Associating your image files with cam2pc

cam2pc can be used to display your images (JPEG, TIFF, PNG and BMP files) in a full-screen viewer. The simpler way is to associate cam2pc with those image types. If you successfully ran the Configuration Wizard then the file associations should have been setup properly.

From the Image Browser or Download choose Options. Then go to the Shell Integration section. Click the Select All button or select the types you want to display in cam2pc then click OK.

From now on, double clicking an image file in the Explorer will launch cam2pc.

Windows XP treats images in a particular way. If you associate files with cam2pc, you won't be able to access the default image viewer of Windows XP (which offers printing capability for instance) except for BMP files where cam2pc can't take over the default association. So if you want to read BMP files in cam2pc you'll have to select the "Open With..." item in the Explorer contextual menu of a BMP file, then select cam2pc in the list of applications and check the "Always use..." box. If you still want to be able to use the default XP image viewer, then do not associate image files with cam2pc and use the "Open With..". item when you want to open an image with cam2pc. I know this is a bit tricky but Windows XP behaves quite strangely on this point...